I’ll learn how to budget more effectively soon. I’ll stop working weekends in the next couple months. He’s out there somewhere. True or not, these statements temporarily take the complication out of the unknown, and lately I’ve found myself saying them more and more.
In one way or another, we all want to make sense of our lives. We tell ourselves narratives to justify our behavior. It's easier that way. Chaos has us looking for answers and comfort has us seeking the questions.
The truth is our lives are messy. People we love leave and ones we never thought would come into our lives do. The unthinkable is happening right now and the plans we’ve mapped won’t materialize. How we handle the uncertainty becomes in many ways who we are.
Religion seeks to answer why evil exists and tells us where to find hope. Science explains our interconnectedness and the evolution of the things around us. Therapists ease matters of the heart and the mind by wrapping up the loose ends of our spiraling thoughts. And we tell ourselves stories because we don’t allow ourselves to see what we don’t have the strength to oppose.
I want to experience life unfiltered, as it is and without agenda, but I still hope it has a happy ending.
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